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환경시스템 독성학연구실
환경독성학 및 위해성평가

R&D 과제

No. 연구분야 적용분야 과제명(기간) 지원기관
1 환경관련 질환평가/관리 환경 분자독성 네트워크 기반 환경성질환 예측모델 개발() 환경부
2 인체 위해성 평가기술 건강 차세대 위해성평가 기술개발을 위한 중장기 전략 마련 기획 연구 (1)() 식품의약품안전처
3 환경독성 평가기술 건강 화학물질의 독성발현 경로에서 후생유전 역할 규명() 과학기술정보통신부
4 환경유해물질 관련 건강영향평가 환경 흡입독성(COPD, 천식, 폐섬유화) AOP 및 대체시험법 개발() 환경부


No. 논문명 기준년도
1 Application of ToxCast/Tox21 data for toxicity mechanism-based evaluation and prioritization of environmental chemicals: Perspective and limitations 2022
2 Artificial Intelligence-Based Toxicity Prediction of Environmental Chemicals: Future Directions for Chemical Management Applications 2022
3 Effect of Early-Life Exposure of Polystyrene Microplastics on Behavior and DNA Methylation in Later Life Stage of Zebrafish 2022
4 Effects of class imbalance and data scarcity on the performance of binary classification machine learning models developed based on ToxCast/Tox21 assay data 2022
5 Environmental exposures to lead, cadmium, and mercury and pterygium in Korean adults 2022
6 Quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathway (qAOP) using Bayesian Network Model on Comparative Toxicity of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs): Safe-by-Design Approach 2022
7 Critical window of exposure of CMIT/MIT with respect to developmental effects on zebrafish embryos: Multi-level endpoint and proteomics analysis 2021
8 Environmental Pyrethroid Exposure and Cognitive Dysfunction in US Older Adults: The NHANES 2001-2002 2021
9 Identification of toxicity pathway of diesel particulate matter using AOP of PPARγ inactivation leading to pulmonary fibrosis 2021
10 Inhalation toxicity of polystyrene micro(nano)plastics using modified OECD TG 412 2021