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양자전자 연구실
양자전자공학 및 양자정보통신

R&D 과제

No. 연구분야 적용분야 과제명(기간) 지원기관
1 양자정보 지식의 진보(비목적 연구) 2D van der Waals 소재 양자컴퓨팅 국제공동연구단 운영() 과학기술정보통신부
2 양자정보 전문, 과학 및 기술서비스업 양자 오류 완화를 고려한 양자 알고리즘 최적화() 과학기술정보통신부
3 알고리즘 제조업(전자부품, 컴퓨터, 영상, 음향 및 통신장비) 효율적인 양자컴퓨팅을 위한 양자회로 최적화 연구() 과학기술정보통신부


No. 논문명 기준년도
1 A geometrical representation of entanglement 2022
2 Room-temperature continuous-wave indirect-bandgap transition lasing in an ultra-thin WS2 disk 2022
3 experimental realization of schumacher's information geometric bell inequality 2021
4 Long-range directional transport of valley information from transition metal dichalcogenides via a dielectric waveguide 2021
5 One-shot static entanglement cost of bipartite quantum channels 2021
6 Quantum mechanical rotation of a photon polarization by Earth's gravitational field 2021
7 Intrinsically p-type cuprous iodide semiconductor for hybrid light-emitting diodes 2020
8 Quantum circuit optimization using quantum Karnaugh map 2020
9 Speedup of Grover's search algorithm and closed timelike curves 2020


No. 특허명 국가코드 특허번호
1 Photodetector capable of detecting long wavelength radiation US 09397249
2 Quantum Karnaugh map US 08671369
3 Health monitoring system with a waveguide to guide a wave from a power source US 08708901
4 Copper blend I-VII compound semiconductor light-emitting devices US 08524517
5 Nanometer scale magnetization US 08223457
6 Photodetector capable of detecting the visible light spectrum US 08802481
7 Coupled asymmetric quantum confinement structures US 08704248
8 Coupled asymmetric quantum confinement structures US 08828764
9 Mobile device having quantum cryptographic security function for mobile commerce, and authentication method US 10630469
10 Method and device for cloaking acoustic wave by using scattering media having spatial periodicity (공간 주기성을 가지는 산란 매체를 사용해 음향 파형을 숨기기 위한 방법과 디바이스) US 10468011