토목공학과 김선중 교수
연구분야 : 구조진동 및 구조물 모니터링
- 사업수행
- 멀티모달 딥러닝을 활용한 케이블교량의 다종 유해진동 조기경보 기술 개발, 한국연구재단 우수신진연구
- 다목적 해상 부유식 인프라 건설기술 개발, 국토교통과학기술진흥원
- 대표논문
- Lee SH, Kim S*. Unsupervised Vortex-induced Vibration Detection Using Data Synthesis. Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea. 2023; 36(5): 315-321.
- Kim S, Park S, Shin J, Choi I-R, Choi S*. Deep-learning-based data loss reconstruction for spatiotemporal temperature in piloti structures: Enhancing applicability with limited datasets, Fire Safety Journal. 2023 Oct; 140: 103887.
- Lee H, Yoon H, Kim S*. Vibration detection of stay-cable from low-quality CCTV images using deep-learning-based dehazing and semantic segmentation algorithms, Engineering Structures. 2023 Oct; 292: 116567.
- Hwang D, Kim S*, Kim HK, Deep Gaussian process regression for damping of a long-span bridge under varying environmental and operational conditions, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. 2023 Jun 18:1-5.
- Kim S, Lee SH, Kim S*. Pointwise multiclass vibration classification for cable-supported bridges using a signal- segmentation deep network, Engineering Structures. 2023 Mar; 279: 115599.
- 대표 수상사항
- 한국전산구조공학회 2023년 봄 학술대회 우수논문상